The Shortest Day
Finalist, Ithaca College Choral Composition contest (2017)
2 e e cummings songs
Winner, Ithaca College Choral Composition Contest (2012)
Amherst Requiem
Winner, American Prize in Choral Composition (2012)
Rabbit Skunk
Finalist, Ithaca College Choral Composition Contest (2012)
The Shortest Day
Winner, Amadeus Choir Seasonal Song-writing contest (2011)
4 e e cummings songs
Winner, Choral Arts Ensemble Commission Contest (2010)
4 e e cummings songs
Second Prize, SACRA/PROFANA Choral Composition Award (2010)
4 e e cummings songs
Winner, Freudig Choir Composition Contest (2010)
Nay, Ivy, Nay
Winner, Ithaca College Choral Composition Contest (2007)
The Minstrel Boy
Finalist, Ithaca College Choral Composition Contest (2006)
O Man, Be Merry
Winner, Amadeus Choir Carol Writing Contest (2005)
The Brown Birds
Winner, Amadeus Choir Carol Writing Contest (2003)
Who will go to Bethlehem
Finalist (Third Prize), KidSing 2001 (October, 2001).
Nay Ivy, Nay
Winner, 2000 Carol Competition, Green Bay Chamber Choir (2000).
Jolly Jankin
Winner, Ithaca College Choral Composition Contest (2000).
The Shepherd and the King
Welcome Christmas! Carol Contest, American Composers Forum (2000).
Sleep, Grandmother
First prize, Diana Barhart American Song Competition (2000).
Six additional songs received honorable mentions.
Let me Sing of a Maid
Winner, Amadeus Choir Carol Writing Contest (1999).
Let Evening Come
Second Prize, Ithaca College Composition Contest, (1999).
Carol of the Field Mice
Winner, Amadeus Choir Carol Writing Contest (1998).
I Saw a Fair Maiden
Winner, Amadeus Choir Carol Writing Contest (1995).
Good Cheer
Winner, Amadeus Choir Carol Writing Contest (1991).
Standard Award
ASCAP, 1999-2015.
Chesterton’s Carol, Tyrley Tyrlow, Who will go to Bethlehem,
Now is the Time, Kings Came Riding, and King Herod Came to Bethlehem
Honorable mention, Amadeus Choir Christmas Carol Contest
(1994, 1997, 2001, 2003, 2005)